

John E. Pytte Nov. 10, 2015

DebtWhen you believe you may have to file for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Savannah, you can be hit with a taxing series of emotions. Debt is emotional. This situation can affect every area of your life and you will undoubtedly be nervous and anxious about what to do next. Maybe you’ve suffered the loss of your job or perhaps a health situation has led to this debt. Maybe the recent economic situation has put you into a position you never imagined you could be in. An experienced attorney like John E. Pytte and his team have counseled many individuals experiencing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Savannah over the years, so they understand the emotional turmoil you are probably experiencing. They will offer comfort, advice, and a helping hand every step of the way.

When you’re filing for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Savannah, you will go through these 5 emotional stages:

1. Stress

Your first emotional stage of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Savannah is stress. With collection phone calls and the constant stream of letters you are afraid to open, you will feel extremely tense and frustrated. It’s not unnatural to feel this way when you realize that your life is not going the way you had always planned. Nobody wants to find themselves in financial turmoil. Your stress, as someone who suffers from bankruptcy, is often internalized and this is not a state of mind that helps you find a solution to move forward. If you find yourself in this awful situation, you won’t feel like you can even plan for the next month, let alone the next hour. The stress you harbor from filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy will deteriorate your mood and your emotional health. You shouldn’t be left to experience this alone. It is imperative that you find an experienced attorney who can assure you that there is a solution to this problem.

2. Helplessness

The second emotional stage in filing for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Savannah is feeling helpless. You may be upset and blame yourself for these unfortunate circumstances. You may feel like there is nothing you can do to get your life back to normal. This emotional state is very dangerous. The more helpless you feel, the less likely you will be to actively try and resolve your bankruptcy. Feeling hopeless will mean you believe your situation is a lost cause. The longer you wait before seeking help for your chapter 13 bankruptcy, the worse your financial situation will become. This is perhaps the most vulnerable stage of dealing with the unfortunate circumstances surrounding Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.

3. Trust

The third emotional stage you will experience in dealing with Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is trust. When you finally call John E. Pytte and his amazing legal team, you will feel secure in the possibility of a solution. You will know you are in good hands, and relax as you let these experienced legal professionals handle your bankruptcy. There is nothing more important than having an experienced attorney handling your case. They will help you determine what forms you need, what your resolution timeline is, and what to plan for through each step in this process. After assistance and advice from lawyers who deal with this on a daily basis, you will even begin to trust yourself to gather your old tax forms, document your expenses and debts, as well as consolidate all of your income and assets. At this emotional stage, you will trust that you are on the way to resolving your debt and moving forward with your life.

4. Hope

Your fourth emotion in this Chapter 13 Bankruptcy process is hope. Your paperwork for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy has been filed and you will feel a sense of hope and relief that things are finally on their way back to normal. You can finally start to breathe again. Within 30 days of filing your repayment plan, you will have started to make payments to your creditors. You will finally be able to answer the phone without that horrible pit in your stomach. At this stage, you can relax and know that everything could turn out better than you initially expected it to. With a little hope, you can begin to smile again.

5. Serene

Finally, you begin to feel serene and at peace with your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. The paperwork has been all been approved and you have already been to court. Your case is complete and you feel calm and comfortable as you pay your monthly bills. You no longer have to figure out what bill must be paid or where you will find money to pay for it. Your qualified and experienced legal team lead by John E. Pytte has helped you create a plan that you can comfortably live with. Most importantly, you will have finally forgotten that just a few months ago, your whole life was based around your debt: the fear, the avoidance, and the inability to handle this situation. You have now handled it and you have moved on. You will no longer feel like your finances will go under unexpectedly. You start to feel that you can control your life’s path.